Dad Wants To Sleep While Wife Takes Care Of Their Newborn So He Can Spend His Free Time Gaming


Having a newborn is one of the most beautiful yet exhausting experiences in the world. Finally, this tiny human that you’ve been waiting 9 months for has arrived, and they’re the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. But along with all of the cuteness comes screaming, crying and long nights full of more changing diapers and feeding than actual sleep.

So one father who’s had enough of feeling tired decided that he deserves to sleep in during some weekend mornings. However, the internet swiftly gave him a reality check. Below, you’ll find the story that this dad shared on the “Am I the [Jerk]?” subreddit, as well as some of the replies readers left him.

Being a new parent is amazing yet exhausting

Image credits: Felipe Salgado / unsplash (not the actual photo)

So when this dad requested some mornings off to sleep in, the internet was quick to give him a reality check

Image credits: Kelly Sikkema / unsplash (not the actual photo)


Image credits: Sam Pak / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Image credits: tireddad667

Parents lose an average of 3 hours of sleep each night during their baby’s first year of life

Despite how beautiful having a child is, we all know that it’s full of difficult moments as well, especially during the first year. Adjusting to parenthood can be hard enough, considering all of the changes moms and dads go through, but constantly feeling exhausted and overwhelmed just makes the experience more challenging. According to a survey from Snuz, 70% of parents lose an average of at least 3 hours of sleep per night during their baby’s first year of life.

And while plenty of people love recommending that new parents “sleep when the baby sleeps,” this is much easier said than done. Nearly half of new parents say that they are unable to catch up on sleep during the day with naps, often citing household chores as the reason they are kept awake and busy. 

Even getting children to fall asleep can be a challenge, as almost a third of parents admitted they’ve driven their babies around in the car in an attempt to lull them to sleep. The Bump also reports that bedtime turns into a source of stress for 88% of new parents, and 77% start to feel anxiety as nighttime approaches and they begin to worry if it will be a sleepless night.

Sleep deprivation can take a huge toll on our physical and mental health

As challenging, or impossible, as it may be to get a good night’s sleep with a newborn, it’s still important to try. Sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on our health. According to Healthline, not getting enough sleep can cause memory issues, trouble with thinking and concentration, mood swings, accidents caused by drowsiness, high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, increased risk of diabetes and heart disease and poor balance.

Sleep deprivation can also take a toll on a person’s mental health, sometimes leading to impulsive behavior, anxiety, depression, paranoia and even suicidal thoughts. Getting adequate sleep keeps our hormones in check as well, so when we haven’t had enough, we’ll be at higher risk of becoming overweight or obese. Healthline explains that sleep affects leptin and ghrelin, two hormones that control our hunger and fullness cues.

When it comes to how new mothers and fathers can ensure that they get enough rest, recommends trying to take naps, taking turns feeding the baby in the middle of the night, turning down the baby monitor so every sound doesn’t wake you up, trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, and setting yourself up for a good night sleep. It can also help to limit screen time before bed, and avoid caffeine in the afternoon. 

It’s just as important for fathers to be involved in taking care of newborns as mothers

Although Mom might be the one breastfeeding during the middle of the night, it’s crucial for Dad to be involved in taking care of the newborn as well. They both need to get rest, and it’s equally important for dads to bond with their little ones as well. San Diego Family reports that “over 80 percent of studies that have examined father-child relationships have concluded that there’s a strong connection between a father’s involvement and his infant’s well-being.”

Studies have also found that when dads are actively involved with taking care of their newborns, their babies are more “secure, confident, independent, and more interested in exploring the world around them” than infants who have not been able to spend quality time with their dads during their first year. Not to mention the fact that a balanced division of labor is key to a healthy marriage.

San Diego Family notes that it’s important for dads to hold their babies closely (ideally having skin-to-skin contact), talk to them constantly so they get used to their voice and language, change the baby frequently and have plenty of one-on-one interactions with the child to build a strong bond.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this story in the comments below, pandas. Do you think this dad was wrong for asking for mornings off? Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda piece discussing a similar topic, look no further than right here!

Readers unanimously agreed that the father was in the wrong, and many explained why in the comments

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